
(click on picture to see a larger view)

The above note came to me from a man in the western US who makes and sells chicken pluckers. He was buying a box (500) of Kent C-25 fingers from me on a regular basis. I didn't get an order from him for awhile, then came a check with the above note.

That note means a lot because it comes from someone who has had a chance to compare Kent fingers with other plucker fingers and come to an honest conclusion. His conclusion that "none hold up and do the job" like Kent fingers is the reason that Kent fingers have such an amazing (decades old) reputation and are your best value. Yes, they are a bit more expensive, but "none hold up and do the job" like Kent fingers.

That said, I want to point out that there are now plucker fingers being sold on the internet that have "C-25" (the Kent finger code) molded into them and claim to be made with natural rubber, but they are not Kent fingers. The finger shape is different, and I'm sure the rubber formulation is also different. I'm guessing that those fingers are Asian imports (Kent fingers have always been made in the USA). Buyer beware.

If you want genuine Kent fingers, with genuine Kent durability, they are available directly from Kent (for large commercial orders) and right here on this web site (for smaller orders).  

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me (Herrick Kimball) at: